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What We Do

Business Expansion

Business expansion into Southeast Europe

The linguistic, cultural and legal similarities of the countries of Southeast Europe together with their diverse levels of economic development and EU integration provide a broad range of opportunities for the right foreign firms. SEER assists foreign clients enter this unique region, where SEER’s extensive contacts, long experience and deep market knowledge enable it to rapidly research target markets, identify which countries would be best to enter in which order, select capable local partners and devise entrance strategies and tactics.


Business expansion beyond Southeast Europe

SEER helps clients located in the countries of Southeast Europe expand their businesses beyond their countries and region. SEER’s global network of partners, including those to which it is linked through its affiliation with Wyn River and PCB-Paierl Consulting, allow it to assist its local clients to decide which foreign markets to enter and how best to enter them and then to identify and approach the most promising partners in these markets.


M&A in aid of expansion

Sometimes the best way to expand is on your own. Other times an in-country partner is best. In still others acquisition of a local firm is the way to go. SEER advises clients on which route to take and helps them implement their decisions. More about SEER's M&A capabilities here.


Sector reports

SEER partners with Nada Project d.o.o. to prepare the Croatian segment of the Eastern European Construction Forecast Association’s twice-yearly Construction Forecast Report. This Report analyzes the construction sector of eight Eastern European countries and forecasts construction output by construction subsector. SEER prepares similar reports for other sectors on client request.


Supporting services

The many high quality, reasonably priced service providers SEER works with worldwide are at the disposal of SEER’s clients to facilitate their entry into new territories and to sustain them once established there. More about those experts and their capabilities here.


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